Today we had a very interesting meeting with Christina Czettl – Vice President of
IWC (International Women’s Club of Belgrade)- for the handover of the book “Belgrade through the eyes of foreigners “, a charity project which Belgrade beekeepers association helped to realize.
100% of the proceeds from the sale of the book go to the charity fund of IWC and will be used for projects providing relief from the consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Danas smo imali veoma zanimljiv sastanak sa Christinom Czettl – potpredsednicom IWC (Međunarodni Klub Žena Beograda)- zbog primopredaje knjige „Beograd očima stranaca“, dobrotvornog projekta koji je Beogradsko udruženje pčelara pomoglo da se realizuje.
100% prihoda od prodaje knjige ide u dobrotvorni fond IWC-a i koristiće se za projekte koji pružaju olakšanje od posledica pandemije Covid 19